Create a link to share outside of Arinui
Occasionally, finalised collections may need to be shared with people outside your school, centre or organisation, external of Arinui. This may be as part of the certification process with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Overseer can create links of finalised collections.
To create links, access your 'Overseer' area by choosing ‘Overseer’ from the drop-down menu to the left, above the left-hand menu. When you first log in, the default option will always be ‘Educator’.
Within the 'Overseer' area, you will see two options for each year your school, centre or organisation has been using Arinui: ‘Educator overview’ and ‘Manage links’. To create a link for a finalised collection, choose ‘Manage links’ for the appropriate year.
On the next page, you will see a list of all the educator's collections which have been finalised. You can only create links for collections which have been finalised. You cannot create links for collections which are being developed in the current cycle.
To create links, check the box beside the collection(s) you want to share externally and choose the ‘Create links’ button. A confirmation message will appear letting you know the links have been created successfully and you will see an expiry date appear in the right-hand column of the table.
You can copy selected links to your clipboard by choosing the ‘Copy links’ button, then paste them into an email to send to someone outside of Arinui. The pasted information will also contain the educator’s name and the year.
If links are shared with someone outside your school, centre or organisation, they will only be able to see the details of that collection, the entries which make up the collection and the attached final summary form. They will not be able to see any other details of your school, centre or organisation or your educators and their collections.
Links expire 28 days from their creation, but you can create new links to replace them before the expiry date is reached. Creating replacement links will deactivate the links they replace.
Links can be deactivated prior to their expiry date being reached. To deactivate a link, make sure it is checked, then choose the ‘Deactivate links’ button.