Add links and files to entries

There are various ways you can upload, or link to, supporting material.

To use the  Arinui  web feature: Start creating an entry by working through one of the modules such as ‘Teaching as inquiry’ or ‘Examples of my practice'. When given the opportunity to add external files as supporting material, click on the ‘Add’ button. This will take you to a new screen where you can upload and attach a file to the entry or add a web link.

Keep in mind that others may not be able to view your web-based file if they don’t have the same software as you or if they need to log in to view it. If unsure, save your web-based file as a PDF and upload the file to Arinui.
The 'Manage Files' link under the profile icon at the top-right of the screen can also be used to upload files an Arinui account. However, weblinks cannot be added from this page. Any video files over 100MB in size should be uploaded to your Arinui account using one of the Arinui video uploader applications.

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