Understanding Arinui modules
Guided teaching or leading as inquiry
The 'teaching as inquiry' process (NZC p35) is fundamental to the effective pedagogy of a professional educator. Carrying out inquiry through robust evaluation and learning is likely to provide strong evidence for many of the Standards for the Teaching Profession.
An inquiry is initiated by considering what is working well and not so well for your learners. Your inquiry should be informed by supporting material and will most likely focus on an issue or problem which you currently don't know how to address, or have not successfully addressed in the past. It should focus on an area in which you want to learn to do something differently, in order to impact positively on learning and achievement. It could also be linked to team or organisation-wide achievement targets.
This module takes you step-by-step through the focusing, teaching and learning inquiry stages in which you reflect on the needs, your learning and changed actions and the impact this has had on your students.
Semi-guided teaching or leading as inquiry
The 'teaching as inquiry' process (NZC p35) is fundamental to the effective pedagogy of a professional educator. Carrying out inquiry through robust evaluation and learning is likely to provide strong evidence for many of the Standards for the Teaching Profession. As you work through this module you will be given semi-structured guidance through the reflective process.
Upload inquiry
The ‘teaching as inquiry’ process (NZC p. 35) is fundamental to the effective pedagogy of a professional educator. Some settings provide guidance to educators by using their own inquiry template. This module lets you upload your own inquiry template (teaching or leading as inquiry).
Analysing student progress
Your primary role as an educator and/or leader is to make a difference to all students' learning. We encourage you to use this area to consider all of your students, and then focus on specific students as part of the teaching as inquiry module(s).
The supporting material that you include is likely to include measures of academic achievement, progress and learning skills/dispositions. It could also include health and well-being data, student retention information and any other learning information relevant to your class/subject. Because your primary role is to cause learning for all students, we suggest that you include whole-class data.
Examples of my practice
This is the area to add and reflect on supporting material of your practice (beyond that which you have included in your inquiries). This may include examples of lesson or unit planning, resources or videos of your practice etc.
This is the area that you can add feedback you have received. The feedback that you add in this section is supplementary to feedback you included as part of your teaching as inquiry module(s). Many educators use this module for observations of practice.
Professional learning log
This is the space for you to record and reflect on professional development activities you have undertaken. This may include participation in professional learning groups, online communities, attendance at courses or conferences, staff meetings, professional readings etc.
Other goals
This is the space for you to track your progress on a personal, professional goal. These are different from your teaching as inquiry process.
Final reflective comments
This module should be completed prior to presenting your final collection to your endorser to inform your end-of-year professional growth cycle conversation.