Managing educators and permissions
Only a user with 'User Administrator' access can remove an educator or change an educator's Arinui privileges in your school, centre or organisation's setup. To do this, log in and choose 'User Administration', using the drop-down menu to the left - when you first log in, the default option will always be 'Educator'. Then click the 'Manage Users' link in the menu to the left.
Membership states
You will see all the educators in your school, centre or organisation sorted into four columns. As the User Administrator, you will be displayed along the top.
- Locked Members are those that have left your school, centre or organisation. Users in this column are allowed to access and view their collection but cannot edit it.
- Rejected Members are members that do not have access to the school.
- Educators have access to build their collection.
- User Administration has educator and endorser access. They can perform their own work, endorse educator's collections and perform user and endorser admin tasks.
Removing an educator
To remove an educator, select and drag them from their current column and drop them into to the 'Locked Members' column.
Changing an educator's Arinui privileges
To make an educator an endorser, select and drag them from their current column into the endorsers column. Likewise, you can revoke their endorser access by selecting and dragging them from the endorsers column and into the educators column.
Adding/ replacing an endorser
You can request a new teacher(s) to be added, or replace an existing educator(s). Download this template and fill it in, and email it to
Changing the Overseer
To request a change to the Overseer in your school, centre or organisation, email and CC the person who will be the new Overseer as verification may be required.