Submit a collection for review

If you have not yet submitted a collection for appraisal, you will have the status ‘In appraisal cycle’, shown above your dashboard. If your status differs from this, you have already submitted a collection which may still be being appraised, may have been released to you for further work or may have been finalised.

If your school, centre or organisation has more than one dashboard, make sure you have chosen the current appraisal year – this will be indicated above the dashboard. You can select other years from the left-hand menu. Navigate to the current year's dashboard to submit that year's collection.

To submit a collection to an appraiser, choose the blue ‘Send a collection’ button to the top-right of your dashboard. 

This button may have a different label if your status is not 'In appraisal cycle'. This will begin a three-step process. For the first step, choose the ‘Submit my final appraisal collection – Submit’ option. The other option is for sharing collections during your appraisal cycle with colleagues or your appraiser.

On the second step, you will choose the entries you wish to submit. To do this, simply check all the boxes to the left of the desired entries or, check the box at the top of the ‘Share’ column to select all of them. When you’re done, choose the ‘Continue’ button below your list of entries.

On the final step, choose the appraiser to whom you wish to submit your collection. Select one and move them from the left to the right column. You can also add a comment for your appraiser if you like. When you’re finished, choose the ‘Submit’ button, then confirm you’d when the popup appears.

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