Resubmit a released collection for review
Resubmitting a collection after it has been released to you is similar to submitting the collection for the first time.
If your collection has been released to you by your endorser, you will have the status ‘Released for revision’, shown above your dashboard. You can edit entries you previously submitted or create new ones from your dashboard
To resubmit a collection, choose the ‘Share or resubmit’ button above your dashboard. This will begin a three-step process. For the first step, choose the option ‘Resubmit my final collection – Resubmit’. The other option is for sharing collections during your professional growth cycle with your colleagues or your endorser.
On the second step, you will choose the entries you wish to submit. The entries that were part of your first submission will already be ticked on this page. To add new entries to the collection, make sure they are also checked. Uncheck any entries you no longer wish to include as part of your final submission. When you’re done, choose ‘Continue’.
On the final step, you simply need to confirm the resubmission. As you chose your endorser with your initial submission, you don’t need to choose them again and will see their details here. You have the option to add a comment (or edit the comment you made with your initial submission) on this page. When you’re ready, choose the ‘Resubmit’ button, then confirm you’d like to resubmit the collection when the popup appears.
If you need to submit to a different endorser to the one shown on the final step, contact Arinui and ask them to revert your status. You will then be able to choose a new endorser.